
Ina Hoopina will teach at these upcoming events:

24.-26. May 2024 German Hoop Convention in Steyerberg, Germany


The oldest hoop event in Germany is running since 2012 and is well known for the workshops with international hoop teachers, the outstanding Saturday night show and for meeting hoopers from all over the world. Come and learn with some of the best hoop teachers!


Find more information here: German Hoop Convention


Ina Hoopina's students appreciate her relaxed, thoroughly, patient and comprehensive teaching. Find some examples of workshops she is teaching:

Find more videos and hoop tutorials on my Youtube channel: Ina Hoopina

Hula Hoop in Hardegsen - Ellierode

Wöchentlich am Donnerstag 19:15-20:15h im Kobra Dojo

Anfragen bzgl. Terminen und Anmeldung bitte direkt beim Kobra Dojo!


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© Ina Hofmann